About me
Starting as a business major, turned graphic designer turned art director/copywriter, I have always wanted to create ideas that help brands connect more with their audience.
Okay, now that that part is over with...
I like making people laugh. I like taking people out of the average, mundane world and brightening their day. If I have the chance to do that in a picture or in a 15 second radio spot, I’ll take that chance every time.
The thing is, I’m passionate about advertising.
yeah, yeah, I know everyone says that.
But I really do love the challenge of telling a story by only using minimal elements. Give me only sounds. Give me only visuals. I’ll use either one of them to create something in your mind.
I’ll make you smile with my visual work, I’ll make you laugh with my copywriting. I’ll give you something to think about during the rest of your day.